Out-of-hours emergency appointments, booking through the Veterinary Advice Line on 9000112 (1,98 eur/min).


Write to us


+372 53073418

Our address

Kentmanni 15,Tallinn

We are open

Mon-Tue; Thu-Fri 9-18; Sat: 10-16 (Wed; Sun- receptions by appointment)

To come to the reception

Please book an appointment by calling +372 53073418. For emergency appointments outside office hours, please call the Veterinary Advice Line on 9000 112 (0,98 EUR/min). Through the helpline, we will determine the animal’s condition and the speed of response.
For emergency admissions, we follow the triage for small animal EMOs, not the order of arrival.

Cats should be brought to the clinic in a cage or bag for transport. Please bring your dogs to the clinic on a lead. Aggressive dogs must be muzzled. A veterinarian may refuse to handle an aggressive animal to ensure his or her own safety and that of staff.

Please bring your vaccination certificate or passport with you when you come for vaccination. 7-10 days before the vaccination, you could get your favourite deworming medicine.

Animals arriving for surgery must be fasted for 6 h before the procedure, water may be available. Unless your doctor tells you otherwise. For certain species of animals this rule does not apply, the doctor  will prescribe the appropriate diet before the operation.

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